The retirement benefit you receive from the Municipal Employees Retirement
System (MERS) may be affected if you are currently employed by a city, a
town, or a municipal district, board or authority within the State of
Connecticut. If you are employed by a Connecticut municipality, you may
continue to receive your MERS benefit, but only if:
You work fewer than 20 hours per week and/or fewer than 90 days in any calendar year; or
Employees in your position are not eligible to participate in MERS.
Each CMERS retiree must complete an affidavit to
confirm whether or not he/she is reemployed.
Please complete the survey affidavit below and
submit it by May 31, 2024. Failure to respond by this date will result in the suspension of your retirement benefit.
Please note: After you submit your affidavit, you
must still notify the Retirement Services Division immediately of any
change to your employment status. Failure to do so could result in an
overpayment of retirement benefits. Any questions you have concerning this
matter may be directed to the Retirement Services Division (860-702-3480).
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*All fields required.
Certification of Reemployment After CMERS Retirement
Please check the appropriate box below
NOT currently reemployed
by a city, a town or a municipal district, board or
authority in the State of Connecticut.
I AM currently reemployed by a city, a town or a municipal
district, board or authority in the State of Connecticut.
My position is not eligible to participate in MERS.
I AM currently reemployed by a city, a town or a municipal
district, board or authority in the State of Connecticut.
I work fewer than 20 hours per week or fewer than 90 days in
a calendar year.
I AM currently reemployed by a city, a town or a municipal
district, board or authority in the State of Connecticut.
My position is eligible to participate in MERS,
AND I work more than 20 hours per week and/or more
than 90 days in a calendar year.
*I certify that, to the best of my knowledge, the
following are true and accurate statements regarding
my employment after my CMERS Retirement and that any false or misleading
statements or omissions
of material information with regard to the questions asked on this form may
adversely affect the continued
receipt of my retirement benefit. I also understand that providing false or misleading statements or omissions could result in civil or criminal penalties.
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